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Choosing a Handyman

Choosing a Handyman: The Cost of Cutting Corners   When your faucet springs a leak, or your deck needs a facelift, jumping on the cheapest handyman quote you receive is tempting. It seems logical, right? Get the work done and save some cash. But this approach is like buying the cheapest parachute on the market—it Read more »

How to Install Crown Molding

If you are planning to do some updates to your home to make it look more modern and attractive, crown molding is an excellent option to improve the over look of your home.  And with the brief guide below, supplied by your Vancouver Handyman Edward you’ll be able to install it yourself! Choosing the Type Read more »

Handyman Tips for Laying Tile

If you’re doing some renovations on your home and plan to lay new tiles in the kitchen or bathroom, this guide will provide you with some handy tips for how to do the job right. Tools Having the right tools on hand before you begin will help save time. You’ll need a professional grade level, Read more »

How to Apply Weather Stripping to Your Doors

With the high cost of heating in Vancouver, combined with Vancouver winters that seem to be getting a little bit colder each year, having leaky doors is like throwing money away. That will leave anyone with a cold feeling! On the flip side, during sweltering summer days, letting your nicely conditioned air escape the premises Read more »

Ikea Furniture Assembly

Have you ever walked through an Ikea store? It’s almost like an afternoon outing, making your way through the huge store, going from ‘room’ to ‘room’. Everything is all set up to look so cozy and inviting, it almost makes you want to just sit down or lie down and take a nice relaxing rest Read more »

How to Properly Mount a TV

As a Handyman in Vancouver, one of the most common jobs I do for my customers is help mount a new TV. With the huge variety of different types of TVs available these days, there are lots of different ways to mount a TV to save space, and make a room look nice and, without Read more »

Common Toilet Issues

As a Vancouver Handyman, one of the most common things I’m asked about are issues with toilets. These days, most households have more than one toilet, so it’s a good idea to have some solid basic knowledge about how to fix common toilet problems, in case you aren’t able to get someone out to your Read more »

Tips and Tricks for Painting

As a Vancouver Handyman who’s been in this business for a long time, I’ve spent a lot of my time doing both exterior and interior paint jobs. Over the years I’ve learned the wrong way and the right way to make any paint job go smoothly and quickly. Below, I’ve outlined a few of the Read more »

Preparing Your Rental Unit for a New Tenant

In today’s market, more and more people are turning to rental housing. If you own a second home such as a house or condo, or plan to rent out your basement suite or coach home, there are several things you’ll need to do to prepare the unit for new tenants. Even if you’re not a Read more »

Essentials of Hanging Wallpaper

If you’ve decided to spruce up your home, new wallpaper might be something you’ve considered. While painting is always a good way to freshen up a room, adding wallpaper allows you to be more creative in your decorating. You can paper an entire room, or you can add a feature wall or a border to Read more »